Road Traffic Offences
Horsman Solicitors have a wealth of experience in representing clients in all Road Traffic Offences, both in the Magistrates and Crown Courts. Such cases that come before the courts, range from speeding allegations, drink-driving offences, to more serious dangerous driving charges.
Nearly all road traffic offences can result in penalty points
and / or disqualification
Our firm can put forward various legal arguments, such as Special Reasons in law, that allow Magistrates the discretion not to endorse your licence with penalty points, or disqualify you from driving.
As a general rule, if any Road Traffic Offence means you will end up with 12 points on your licence, then the Court will look to disqualify you for a minimum period of 6 months.
Our Road Traffic Solicitors can put forward the legal argument that such a ban will cause you to suffer exceptional hardship, therefore allowing the Courts discretion to reduce that length of ban, or impose no period of disqualification, at all.
If the Legal Aid Agency refuse your application for public funding, our charge out rate for Road Traffic Matters is between £100 and £175 per hour, dependent on the nature of your case and the advocate with conduct of it. Pease refer to our Legal Team page for details of the experience and qualifications of our staff responsible for your case.
Please contact Andy Horsman for further details as regards private paying instructions at an hourly rate or on a fixed fee basis for cases anticipated to be dealt with at the first hearing by way of a guilty plea and mitigation put forward to the Court, on your behalf.
We are on call at all Police Stations throughout Sussex,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
You have a right to
Our advice at a police station is free, regardless of your means.
We can help 24/7 and arrange attendance at any police station.
Contact Horsman Solicitors now for any query you may have, regarding Legal Advice.
Email: andy.horsman@horsmansolicitors.co.uk
Horsman Solicitors are always available to help our clients.
Our emergency 'out of hours' number is 01733 709060
Legal advice is just a phone call away. Telephone : 01273 474743

Horsman Solicitors Criminal Defence Specialists
Request a
Free Consultation
When you ask for Horsman Solicitors at the Police Station, this will NOT delay your time in custody, as the Police may suggest.
We are here to uphold your rights and defend any person who is arrested and suspected of any criminal allegation. This includes our attendance with you at other agencies, for example, benefits office, HMRC, and Trading Standards Investigations.