Police Custody
Anyone arrested at a Police Station, when asking for Horsman Solicitors, is entitled to FREE and independent advice, irrespective of your income. This is due to our firms experience, quality controls and contract with the Legal Aid Agency.
If a friend or family member are detained at a Police Station, you can call us to represent them. We are always at Brighton Police Station.
If you have been bailed to go back to the Police Station at a future date, again we can attend with you. Many cases are won or lost at this early stage, it is therefore crucial to obtain advice in person from Horsman Solicitors, as to any potential evidence against you, before answering any questions from the Police.
Our Police Station department is managed by Sam Malekshahi who will ensure your file remains up to date in accordance with our firm's high standard of client care, under the Law Society approved Lexcel standards.
As a specialist Criminal Defence Solicitor, employing a number of Solicitors and Advocates, Horsman Solicitors provide 24 hour round the clock representation at the Police Station, for our clients. Our firm only deals with Criminal Defence Work.
We are on call at all Police Stations throughout Sussex,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
You have a right to
Our advice at a police station is free, regardless of your means.
We can help 24/7 and arrange attendance at any police station.
Contact Horsman Solicitors now for any query you may have, regarding Legal Advice.
Email: andy.horsman@horsmansolicitors.co.uk
Horsman Solicitors are always available to help our clients.
Our emergency 'out of hours' number is 01733 709060
Legal advice is just a phone call away. Telephone : 01273 474743

Horsman Solicitors Criminal Defence Specialists
Request a
Free Consultation
When you ask for Horsman Solicitors at the Police Station, this will NOT delay your time in custody, as the Police may suggest.
We are here to uphold your rights and defend any person who is arrested and suspected of any criminal allegation. This includes our attendance with you at other agencies, for example, benefits office, HMRC, and Trading Standards Investigations.