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Crown Court

Horsman Solicitors prides itself on having the most comprehensive and experienced Crown Court departments in Sussex.


Our Criminal Defence team are vastly experienced in dealing with the most serious cases that come before the Crown Court.​


Our firm's set-up, means every member of staff at Horsman Solicitors, takes a real interest in your case, from day one, striving to ensure the best possible outcome for you.


Our Crown Court Manager is qualified to represent clients in the Crown Court, with extensive knowledge of the law, evidence and procedures to ensure your case is thoroughly prepared. 


We work closely with local and regional independent Barristers Chambers to ensure your Barrister is one who cares about your case and you. We will personally prepare your case and ensure a highly effective Barrister is instructed and up to date with your instructions to properly represent you at the Crown Court.


Our Criminal Defence Solicitors deal with all allegations on a daily basis at Brighton, Lewes, Hove and Chichester Crown Courts. Due to our firm's thorough preparation and Advocacy skills, we are often asked to represent our clients across the South of England.


If you need help for any serious matters, Horsman Solicitors are the firm to contact and represent you.

You have a right to



Our advice at a police station is free, regardless of your means.

We can help 24/7 and arrange attendance at any police station.


Contact Horsman Solicitors now for any query you may have, regarding Legal Advice.


Horsman Solicitors are always available to help our clients.

Our emergency 'out of hours' number is 01733 709060


Legal advice is just a phone call away. Telephone : 01273 474743

Horsman Solicitors  Criminal Defence Specialists

Request a

Free Consultation

When you ask for Horsman Solicitors at the Police Station, this will NOT delay your time in custody, as the Police may suggest.


We are here to uphold your rights and defend any person who is arrested and suspected of any criminal allegation. This includes our attendance with you at other agencies, for example, benefits office, HMRC, and Trading Standards Investigations.

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